So now that I'm reaching 75 in my damage skills and spells, I was wondering if I could clear up some misconceptions and/or truths i've heard about stat gain.

1) Mining raises Vit then Str
2) Wood Chopping raises Str then Vit.
3) Archery against mobs is the highest stat gain in the game.

Any truth or debunk to this? The third point is something i've heard from Fatality, Tox, and a slew of other people, but i'm still wary about what their talking about. I guess with the rate of arrow fire, it makes up for the slower gains. Right now, i'm planning to mine/woodchop for arrows, do grunts until I get bored or pked, then rinse and repeat. Good plan?

Note: I have never, nor will I ever swim or exploit for stats. I consider it cheating.

Last edited by Syloc; 02/15/10 06:24 PM.

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