Firstly, I must say that Darkfall PVP is sporatic at best. Conflict is based around sieges that are MERC-tastic, pvp hotspots are slim to none, and the grind is everlasting. This being said, yesterday has reminded me just how aweinspiring and FPS like Darkfall has turned out to be, which gets me just a little ripped up about how good someone can make themselves with a character that isn't maxed out.

Lets face it, PVP near Andruk is good at times, but battles are hardly ever prolonged, often ending up in heated exchanges which soon turn into pitched battles that involves either running away or chasing after someone. However, the amount of skill between players is, at least in my estimation, a combination of character development and player aptitude for FPS games. While exchanges are brief encounters at best, every single Knight knows that seconds of battle often decide the outcome of the entire encounter.

That being said, I had a conversation with Rogee a couple of days ago and he mentioned that he has BF2 Competition experience.

Who here in KGB has FPS competition experience? (Ladders like CAL, TWL, or any other game-specific ladder) I need sparing partners, and I'm wondering if there's any like-minded individuals that come from the same background as me, because I couldn't convince my FPS friends to play Darkfall. QQ

Ok, this sounds a little elitist, and it's not like I won't play with anyone that doesn't have it; but I do wonder, out of all the new members, if we have anyone with that type of background.

Lately, as I reach closer and closer to 75 Fireball/Lightning Strike and 75 GSM, i'm starting to think beyond the grind!


Last edited by Syloc; 02/10/10 06:14 PM.

Former KGB Member