I'll update this when I get home, but here's what I have currently.

HP - 265

Lesser Magic - 100
Greater Magic - 100
Air Magic - 100
Witchcraft - 80
Fire ~70
Earth ~60

Archery - 100
All 3 Archery Specializations - 90+
1 handed Sword - 90+
2 Handed Sword - 90+
2 Handed Sword Mastery - 50

Primary Damage - Fireball (~50), Lightning Strike (~60), Exploding Charge (+25), Ball Lightning (80+), Lightning Storm (+25), Lightning Bolt (+50)

Primary Buff - Stoneskin (~60), Arrow Shield, Fire/Lightning/Earth/GM/LM/WM Resistance Buffs (all +25), Impetuous, Dex, Strength (+25)

Utility - Confusion (+25), Stormblast (+25), Launch (~40), Telekenesis (+25)


On with that conversation - Stats really aren't everything, yet there is a minimum that people need to have in order to even compete at the highest level. If / When Champions go live, there's a laundry list of things, per approval, that need to be addressed including; comm disicipline, following character templates, and practice sessions - all of which require not only a good character, but the right PVP attitude.

Last edited by Syloc; 02/06/10 01:30 PM.

Former KGB Member