Anyone interested in upgrading their status in KGB to the prestigious CHAMPION rank needs to understand a few things about what will happen once this thing gets kicked off.

In a nutshell the CHAMPION title will only be held by the best pvp'rs that KGB has to offer in Darkfall. It is not some good old boys club although it will be an ELITE 10 MAN UNIT that will be expected to answer any major KGB call to arms and a majority of the smaller calls.

This unit will ALWAYS be grouped together. They will fight,learn, and train side by side for hours at a time to be the hammer of KGB.

When I feel that the time comes and we have enough able bodied people we shall expand the Champions ranks.

The idea is to start small. If this system does not work on small scale then it will fail on a larger scale.

If anyone feels they are willing to actively seek out the title of Champion then drop a line in this thread. If you do not show interest in this thread you will not be considered to fulfill the role of KGB's elite.

I want to mention that this play style WILL NOT be for everyone. This type of player will be the hardest of the hardcore in KGB. The ones willing to spearhead the push for KGB glory on the field of battle and really start making waves in the Darkfall community by force of arms.

In less than 2 weeks this system will go live. Be prepared to ride into hell and see if you can stomach this challenge.

Sign away your gamer souls here because once you push for the Champion title you will go through hell.


Last edited by Donkleaps; 01/24/10 04:08 AM.

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