
We need to get some facts straight

1) Everyone should be crosshealing with sacrifice and heal other
2) NO ONE should level this spell list BEFORE their damage, self-buff and melee skills.

I hate to be blunt, but by encouraging people to level these spells and skills BEFORE their own damage and self-improvement spells/abilities, you are encouraging people to suck.

This is NOT viable, and these skills should ONLY be invested in if you are already pvp viable and have extra cash to spare.

It's usefull, yes, but by posting this here, I think you can mistakingly encourage a new player to invest all their time in these spells before everything else, thusly ensuring they are the first to die in pvp.

Take care of yourself first, then you can help other people. God knows it takes long enough to take care of yourself.

Please lets not encourage the suck.

Just my opinion.

Last edited by Syloc; 01/14/10 11:52 PM.

Former KGB Member