Originally Posted By: Kay
My go bag:

100 of each reg, give or take
Set of bone with scale boots/gloves/helm
R50 2hand Sword or Equivalent Transmute
R50 mob dropped bow, 150 arrows
3 greater health pots
2 greater stam pots
1-4 greater mana pots
Blackbolt staff, or Cobra if I'm feeling fancy
Shield that is at least 75 armorsmithing, prefer a mastery shield
R50 1hand sword
3-piece Arcane Jewelry Set
Skinning Knife
A mount
A robe

Pretty much the same setup I use. Except I use my crafted r40/50 bows. with Keeness if able.
occasionally 2 mounts, if able.

And I always label my city defense bags with My ingame name and KGB so that if someone in the alliance loots or clanmate loots they know who to give it to.

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