I've asked various people in ventillo, but I'm still on the fence about which school i'm going to take.

First, a little intro.

Magekiller sucks. There's no use for it over aquatic shot and, even with aquatic/jump shot, there's still no reason to take it. 20% to staff users is not bad; but in order to do that you have to sacrifice stone skin, Underwater breathing, agility buff, fire magic, elemental protection buffs and a slew of other spells that give you an advantage in pvp - all for 20% more damage.

and, with a Rank 40 Bow that does let say ~30 points of damage, that's only +6 more damage! This sounds good but what it doesn't tell you that you can shoot magic for MORE damage (50 Pts) which has an AOE attached to it.

I have good aim, and in small battles or when i'm not rushed, i do well. However I can't kite cause I don't have jump shot, and in long range distance I just plain suck (arrow travels too slow)

I'm an FPS player at heart, but I hate losing more so as much as I hate to do it. I'm going magic.

So, this leads to my question ...


So my question is this. If you choose anything over Fire for your damage, are you gimping yourself?

I noticed that on the armorcrafted spreadsheet, Chain through Plate has a decreased resistance to AIR magic. Also, i'm going air magic anyway for the archery buffs + aoes.

The problem is, at least from first blush, is that the AIR magic balls seem to have a smaller radius than Fireball. Am I right about this? Also, it seems that it has reduced damage but has a significantly increased stam damage cost associated with each hit.

So ... I was thinking that this might be a good mix with fireball users - in that I can drain heavy armors and do decent damage due to reduced protections on the metal based armors (chain through plate).

I would, however, be gimping myself verus bone armor and magic users, because they don't use stam for shit.

The spells that look used the most in AIR is

Ball Lightining (Max damage 50 - Damage Other)
Lightning Bolt (Max damage 120 - Damage Line)
Lightning Strike (Max damage 32 - Damage AREA)

compared to

Fireball (Max damage 50 - Damage AREA)
Firebolt (Max damage 50 - damage Other)
Dragon's Breath (Max damage 34 - Damage Line)

How about the other schools? Someone mentioned Earth? Yes, I do know you should get the buffs from all schools, but what i'm asking here is about damage spells.

I'm beginning to think anything other than Fire is gimping yourself, but I could be wrong.

Any opinions?

Former KGB Member