its seems like every time something is going on where some one needs to contact an officer of our clan or some one needs hammers etc. to take a villie we dont have an active officer on.

or it seems like the few times i am randomly on these days either mor or jag are afk for the random hours i do appear on.

i could if needed be promoted as to that i can hand people hammers/whatever when needed when jag is being jag outside of the game and not around for the random off hours.

i've tried to put together groups and such at times for the raids that we dont have an officer on but even then we only seem to have about half a group so i get us in with cotp groups and such.

i've been phantoming in the officer channel on vent for the last few days and probably will be making a bind for it soon weither im promoted or not. it's been helpful in trying to direct kgb people when we dont have anyone else on doing it.

im posting this here because im generally not on when jag/mor are so i dont really have to much a chance to see them on.

i dont see myself quitting yet and i know i'll always enjoy playin with people in kgb.

-pirate bootsnack.