If anyone is going to play this i recomend following this instructions to the T and you will have no probs getting it up and running

1. Create account: http://uowow.com/modules.php?name=WowSignup

2. Download the launcher http://uowow.com/UltimaOnWow.zip (Just save the zip file to your desktop, don't do anything with it right now OR until it it said to do anything with it in these instructions)

3. Make sure you have Microsoft .net 3.5 installed http://tinyurl.com/ys6wao

4. Download WoW Launcher http://uowow.com/InstallWow.zip

5. Once this downloads unzip the program and install it (use the LitchKing one). It will download all the files to play Warcraft, about 6 GB of them. Once this is done it starts updating and this is where you have to pay attention. After the first few updates it prompts you to hit finish after it's done installing but around update 3.8 it just installs and downloads each update automatically, so you just need to sit there and pay attention until you see it's done updating to patch 3.09 (I think it's 3.09551 to be exact).

6. Once it's done installing patch 3.09 it starts to download another patch, just cancel out of this. If you fail to cancel out of the download it will start to partially install the next patch meaning I think you need to start the patching all over again doing something called backpatching.

7. After 3.09 is installed now unzip uowow.zip to a folder, and run UltimaOnWow.exe, it is basically a batch file that runs some shit (a DOS window shows up) and at the end it says you can close the window. From now on you just use uowowlauncher.exe to log in.

Do not load World of Warcraft if you have not ran UltimaOnWow.exe first, and only run it after you are patched up

8. Log in with the account you created in step one. NOTE: If you made an account from any link other than the one in step 1, and your account won't let you sign in, you probably created a Forum account from the main site which has nothing to do with the account you use to login.