Big alliance getting too spread out. Guilds backstabbing the alliance. Key members getting the fuck out. Multiple coordinated siege during the week-end. Raids on cities at euro time. Alliance always on the defensive. Bad forumfalling. Shitty siege declaration.
What do you think when you read that ?
Hyperion. Current CC too.

We need to regroup : abandon cities too far away from MS.
We need to target only one ennemy, even if others own us during this time : I hope it'll be Cairn so they can't say something like "you go to NA1 because you lost".
We need to go on the fucking offensive. Attack, attack, attack. Raid Cairn cities all day long. Siege them during the week at NA primetime. 5 days in the week : 5 sieges. Keep 'em under pressure, don't let them breeze.

I hate always responding to attack by defending : let's respond by raiding their shit : if they're hammering a city / hamlet, they can't defend, let the crafters and naked do some defense.

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