Originally Posted By: Leeboi
Simple question to ask yourself...are you having fun?

If answer=no
[have fun playing with the game like it is]

The above is about as straight forward as it gets. That being considered, I can't honestly say I've had "fun" in this game, except for some very rare exceptions, and those exceptions I would have considered "normal moments" in some other games I really loved. There's a lot more I don't like about this game, but don't want to bring too much negativity toward all of the others who are working so hard at this game.

The biggest reason for myself wanting or needing to quit is TIME - it simply requires a LOT of time (that I don't have or am willing to spend) in this game to gather the mats and other necessities needed to stay competitve. Right now in my life - if it takes more than .5 hour per evening to grind at gaining said mats, without actually playing the game, then that is just too much time I may be wasting just to lose it due to a crash or death, etc. This also goes for most MMOs in general, it seems anymore.

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image from nodiatis.com]