Where to even start with this giant turd...


MMORPG.com: King Manus of the Hyperion Alliance complains that players being able to stand on the heads of other players negates the possibilities of battle lines, shield walls and the like.

Tasos Flambouras:Standing on the heads of other players isn't very realistic, it's true, but neither is magic. I will disagree strongly that battle lines are negated. We're seeing battle lines being used very effectively. Clans adapt and tactics evolve with what the players are able to do. This is the first MMORPG that we know about that formations are effective in combat, and where smaller, well organized groups can destroy much larger ones.

If a game mechanic gets in the way of a standard formation, then you have the freedom to modify your formation to deal with it.

Danielson, show me deflect the question...


MMORPG.com: Gordric Hirsh of the Yssam Alliance worries that 6 hours for a siege isn't a sustainable timeframe for moderately busy people.

Tasos Flambouras:We agree with Gordric, and we're working on improving the siege mechanics so this is no longer such an issue.

MMORPG.com:Gordric Hirsh of the Yssam Alliance said that there were still a few advertised features that weren't in-game yet.

Tasos Flambouras:We're adding features to the game in every weekly patch, and we have a long prioritized list of features to be added, most of which haven't been advertised.

Like where the hell are the NPC guards and zap towers that actually work as intended. By that I mean, if your red and not on "ally" status = zapped. As soon as you attack a member of ANY KGB ALLY in the city, and your not "Allied" or unguilded you immediately get targeted by the zap towers, no matter what your allignment.

Pretty much, business as usual from Tasos SaladTosser. General statements with open ended possibility for any type of action item resolution so no matter what you do you can say you addressed the problem.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!