Was asked to post this. All information stolen and compiled.

This will allow you to mouse over an item, hit a G key and have that item picked up, placed in a location you provide and the mouse pointer return to its original position.

I used the G9 key as my loot key, if you use a different key just replace the # in arg==9 with whatever G# you want in both scripts

**First, verify that your LCD is setup to display output

Open Logitech GamePanel Manager
Click Programs
Ensure that the Program Name 'Logitech G-series Scripting Display' has the Enable and Logitech G15 LCD boxes checked
Close Logitech GamePanel Manager

**Next you need to get the coords where you want to drop items that you loot:

Open Profiler.
From the menubar select Edit -> Script Editor...
Paste the code below in the window that opens
function OnEvent(event, arg)
if (event=="G_PRESSED" and arg==9) then
local x, y = GetMousePosition();
local sFmt = string.format("Mouse is at %d,%d\n", x, y);
in the meanubar select Script -> Save
close window
Leftclick the G9 key
select Assign Script
close Profiler
Hit the G9 key, coords should display on your LCD, write them down
Replace the numbers in MoveMouseTo(6948, 43982) in the script below with the coords

**Last you setup the loot script

Open Profiler.
From the menubar select Edit -> Script Editor...
Delete the text in the window that opens
Paste the code below in the window
function OnEvent(event, arg)
if (event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 9) then
x, y = GetMousePosition();
MoveMouseTo(6948, 43982)
MoveMouseTo(x, y)