Originally Posted By: Arginal
Can someone brief on the meeting?

Key Points:

Be ready for WAR!
Have at least 3 bags of armor ready to go. In these bags have what you need to fight, Regs you need (resin for mana to stam), arrows, pots, food etc. In other words be prepared.

War for 3/20 postponed until a later date - possibley 3/27. Instead we will do a dry run tonight(3/20). To try and get used to grouping together. Learning to listen to commands and get the overall feel of what it is like to go into battle together. I think this is a GREAT idea to prepare for the larger scale battles. We will be heading into another races lands and raising as much hell as we can. (To save any possible leaks/ political mess, the names of those we would be fighting against/with were left unnamed)

Myself, Thomas and Khi are all willing to help with armor etc. Crafters are at your disposal and we are all unselfish. Bring what mats you have and if we can suppliment what you do not have we will do what ever we can to get you geared up. I recommend if you don't have gold but have extra ingots just donate an amount of ingots as a thank you if we supply the gold etc.

Continue to work on battle skills and stats with less focus on city building. Focus more on yourself now but a 50/50 split (yourself/guild vault) is recommended but not required. I would say gold and iron/wood/stone are most important on the 50/50 but anything helps.

I would say those were the main points. If I am forgetting anything please add.