The solo artist Han Solo's are in serious trouble. DFO plays heavily into the hands of organized, coordinated, focus firing for effect, and tactical units employing every PvP advantage out there.

Sure the solo guy will be able to farm the nekkid noobs, but you get a couple nekkid people together and working in unison and you could have some serious problems.

Going to be a whole lot of harvesting/mining/logging going on in the first couple weeks. Not only does it give you the needed basic elements to build anything usefull, but it is a great way to increase your base stats quickly. The difference in someone with a 40 STR vs. 20 STR is noticeable.

Gold maximization is as well going to be a huge part of this game. Not spending the 500-1000 gold on a skill your not going to use effectively is going to put a damper on your progression early on.

One Hander and Board backed with the Bow and Magic seems to be the best Min/Max combo once you get your Parry Skill up high enough to not drain your Stamina while you parry.

2 Handed weapons seem to put out the most punch per hit, but you really have to time your actions effectively or your gonna get worked by someone who is skilled.

Overall, it really seems the min/max for this game is in the hybrid player who can do a little of everything well.

Chugging STAM/MANA/HP pots, and eating food is really a decisive way to tilt things in your favor as well.

I think a lot of PvP success on the grand scheme of things is going to come down to coordinated group efforts in which we maximize our combat prowess while minimizing our exposure to over-extending ourselves on the battle field and in the world political arena.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!