Like I said, I wasn't trying to criticize and didn't think you were referencing anyone or anything currently. I just thought the honor you were seeking matched up to the play style I've witnessed from most KGB since I started playing and I think it does now that you elaborated.

I can see where it might cause us to work a little harder to demonstrate our guild ethics if we go with an "evil" race but ultimately imo it'll come down to what we do rather than what race we are that will determine most interactions.



SO I guess what I'm asking is what qualities do you espouse that makes you an "honorable" PvPer?

What stance would KGB need take in your opinion to lean a "little more towards honor".

The first question is kind of hard to answer for me. I simply tried not to be an asshole, and that seems honorable enough. Specific things, though, are harder to come by. I'd gate enemies, wouldn't loot many times if the fight was a good one, and wouldn't attack people without cause. None of those things really makes one "honorable", though.

I feel that I've cleared up the second question a bit more, but I wasn't intending to say that any member was dishonorable in the least. I was only meaning that instead of being seen as "protectors of the innocent", we moved to "honorable PvP-on" guild. Again, the actions and attitudes of the members wouldn't need to change, we'd just have to state it better.

I've read Derid's stance on approaching PvP (hell, Derid's stances have always mirrored my own, and that's why I was happy to hear he was in charge). I haven't, though read anything about the politics (with good reason, as we don't know enough about the game to commit to anything yet). I was just putting my thoughts out there because I foresaw an issue that I thought would need to be resolved for the well-being of the guild.

I came back to this guild for two reasons. The main one is because this guild was once like a family to me, and I loved it. After UO-SP, though, the reputation became that of "scrubs plus Binbs". I resented that reputation and was tired of defending it (especially since I was running out of ammo to defend with towards the end of SP). I want this guild to have the reputation that it deserves, and that's why I'm here to try and help correct it.

This, by the way, is why I was ecstatic to learn that Derid was in charge of the operation. That's why I was ecstatic to learn that JetStar is back to playing more than just messageboard warrior. That's why I was ecstatic to bring my friends to this family, and that's why I AM ecstatic to begin a new chapter in this storied guild's history. I just didn't want to enter a setup that may end up tarnishing that possibility over something as simple as a bad lore/race combo, so I felt the need to bring it up. No complaining and no hidden messages. Nothing more and nothing less.