Some of the greatest players in the history of the KGB started out as murderers in UO, but then changed their style of play to follow the style demanded of KGB members by our Constitution. If you can abide by all aspects of our laws and standing orders for member conduct, I, for one, would have no problem welcoming you to the long line of KGB heroes.

In many ways, the KGB does not recruit the character in game. We recruit the person behind the keyboard. Games come and go, and the only constant is the people that make up the membership of the KGB. That is why the KGB has endured. Not because of our performance in game, either individually or collectively, but rather because of the bonds of friendship that have been forged in every game where we have participated.

I suggest that you submit a formal membership application, and in your application, describe how you will apply your gaming skills, formerly for the pursuit of evil, but now in service to the KGB. Darkfall will be a new beginning for many of us. If you wish to forge a new beginning for yourself, this time in service to the KGB, that would be a fitting tribute to the effectiveness of the KGB system. Before you submit your application, however, be sure in your own mind that you can abide by all our laws. We want players who believe in our system, not just players who want to be part of the KGB, either for our history, our power, or for personal glory.

For the Glory and Honor of the KGB. That should be your motivation, and none other.

To the everlasting glory of the infantry...

Owain ab Arawn
KGB Supreme Knight
King's High Council