I found some additional info from DFCrafters Website from a Q&A with Tasos but some of it is kinda dated..So take it with a grain of salt on its accuracy..


Can you tell us anything about the way crafting materials are gathered?

You can gather crafting materials from killing mobs, and looting and/or skinning them. You can harvest materials from the environment, for example from rocks, trees, bushes etc. You can get the materials faster from organized resource production, like mines and farms, while collecting in nature is slower. You can craft crafting materials used to build complex items when they’re made of building blocks. Finally you can kill players and take theirs.

Evidently there will be multiple ways to collect a resource. The important part of the equation is how feasible it will be for a casual gatherer to compete with farms and mines.

Are solo players able to venture into a clan controlled mine and harvest there if it’s not guarded?

You can harvest in someone else’s mine, however they’ll get a message that you did. So as with everything else in the game, you’re free to do whatever you like, but you’re held accountable for your actions.

Enchanting items is more challenging in that you have to discover the recipes, research, there's a process which is challenging and fun for those who enjoy that kind of thing.

What the process of discovering and researching recipes entails remains to be seen.

Here is a more recent Q&A from Warcrys website..


Fan Question: Will the crafting system works with blueprints?

Tasos Flambouras: No, you learn your recipes as you raise your trade skills. It's different with enchantment, and advanced crafting. In crafting you have a failure rate based on your skill level and when you fail you'll burn crafting components. The rarer the component, the lower the chance you'll lose it.

Fan Question: What will the construction system be like? Also, will players be able to create a city in mountains or in underground locations?

Tasos Flambouras: I'm not going to directly answer this question because we intend to show you at some point how the construction system works. Describing it here is not descriptive enough. We've said before that "building anywhere" is relative. In Darkfall you can't build in any location you want, but this provides with unique clan cities built in awesome locations. So your clan city can be built on top of a glacier, have a waterfall hiding its entrance, be built on several levels on the side and in caverns inside a mountain, have secret underwater entrances, on a remote island...that kind of thing. These clan city features are not just about aesthetics, like where you ask about customizations, there is functionality in their layout. Darkfall's clan cities are extremely impressive and no two will be the same. Furthermore their location is strategic as far as geography and proximity to limited resources, making them points of conflict.

Fan Question: If there are any regular clanstones off of the main continent, what kind of NPCs will be available?

Tasos Flambouras: Every clanstone is associated with a race, even in the subcontinents.

Fan Question: Does the main continent have chaostones throughout (i assume that silvertown has one) or does it only have regular (player controllable)clan stones?

Tasos Flambouras: There are a few chaos stones in the neutral areas around the middle of the main continent.

Fan Question: How long does it take a build city from a let's say guild with ~80 working hour a day (with sufficient funds given)? How long does it take to tear down a city from group of ~80 who have already conquered the city?

Tasos Flambouras: I hate to estimate but let's say you could fully build up a city if you're working hard at it in about a month. That estimate could be way off at launch, but at least you know that it doesn't take three days or a year. Then you can break down the city a building a day or a building section (for fortifications) a day. Of course it's not efficient to do that when you could keep the city you conquered.

Fan Question: How much is player involved in crafting? Is it the collect items and automatic transform when you have enough skill, is it something with success %, is it something completely different?

Tasos Flambouras: Crafting is pretty involved...you have to collect, or trade to acquire the raw materials, then the crafting of complex items is broken down into crafting sessions and you have to craft the building blocks first. There's a crafting time of a few seconds to several minutes. You have a success probability based on your skill, and the quality of the finished item will also vary from crafter to crafter. There are different considerations in enchantment and advanced crafting as well, which we'll leave for another time.

Fan Question: Can a single character max out/top end multiple fields in crafting. IE My dwarf is an armor smith, weapon smith and enchanter maxed.

Tasos Flambouras: You can max out multiple crafting skills assuming you're using them a lot, but it will take a long time to achieve.

Fan Question: Will farming provide a challenge or will it just be a grind fest?

Tasos Flambouras: Farms are mostly located inside and around clan cities. Farming is a harvesting and logistical exercise. You also have to control who is using your farm. You can deplete a farm's resources but they'll grow back, so careful management is required for maximum yield.