Oh I'm not saying we start guild forums and set up leadership and whatever. All they have up are like four screenshots, some dev art, and forums. They don't have any word on closed beta or a release date or any of that.

Regardless, it's pretty big news. I've been waiting for news on whether the Bioware/LucasArts project was KotoR 3 or an MMO for about a year now (http://www.lucasartsbioware.com/) and other than DF, that'll definitely be the next MMO I'll seriously be waiting for. It'd be nice if they do something good with for example the Fallout MMO, or Star Trek, or Stargate, or I believe they're making a firefly one. But really, the next two games I'm really looking forward to past Darkfall will be Starcraft 2, and SW:TOR.

I mean, there's still an infinite amount of room for them to mess the game up horribly. I guess that's the thing about such a large IP. There's so much potential, and maybe you just daydream about your perfect game involving that IP, so it's bound to disappoint... sort of like a movie based on a book. For example SWG had fantastic things about it, but it also had many flaws.

I'd like to believe though that Bioware could pull it off. I've only played the 2 KotoR games and Mass Effect from them, but I've loved all 3 RPGs. They say they want to try a different approach at making RPGs where they focus it more on stories. You have a party of NPCs with you, etc. It sounds promising... but I guess let's see what they actually do with it.

Who knows though. EA now owns Bioware, so they have their grubby little hands involved. They might decide it's not going to be profitable and pull the plug a year down the line :P

BoS Archon
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