Actually, I talked about this with a friend of mine today.

Apparently there are two sides. One of them requires leveling
to fifty where the real PvP begins. Otherwise known as the
free side. Dwarves, elves, humans, etc.

The other side is unique in that you can elect to play a
level fifty critter without the grind to get them to fifty.
My understanding is the free side is more powerful, but
the numbers of the evil side have a tendency to balance it
out a bit.

It's been shown that co-ordinated / organized groups have
a tendency to wreak havoc on the battlefield against the
pick up raids. We all have known this for years, but
apparently it's new information to some. . . .

It has some things going for it in that the
PvP is NOT centered around items. Thus, there is no epic
armor set of doom that makes you a God on the field. The
best gear in the game is not that much better than the
average gear.

The down side is there are PvP ranks. Even though both
combatants are level fifty, if one is higher ranked on
the PvP scale, they will have the advantage in a fight.
From what I'm told, the higher ranked veteran player will
dodge / evade attacks from the unskilled player much more
which gives them a bigger advantage.

It is also my understanding that there is some kind of
kill ratio tally in the form of stars. Kill a lot more
than you die and you get flagged with stars. Somewhat of
a bragging rights kind of thing. The downside to this is
this really pisses off the other side a lot, so they will
focus fire your a$$ to make sure those stars don't inflate
your ego too much

I'm debating giving the game a shot due to the absence of
anything worthwhile to play atm.