
Whoopin isnt joining, but it looks like hes having alot of fun in -X- and he helps me out with fessy buffs once and awhile.

After KGB kinda retired from SB I went errant and stayed errant up until -X- recruited me. They rely on me now and I am their most reliable assassin and it makes a difference in most fights. Ive been with them almost 5 months and to leave now at this time would be dishonorable.

Kinda like when KGB recruited me I was loyal and truely still am. I was promoted to Paladin because I earned it, everyone knows I still represent de KGB.

I will never purposely hunt you guys and I always think twice/three times before attacking and I dont if I know its appropriate. (For eg if we meet at mine fight I would think you would want me to defend/attack).

TFO is right if Im doing my solo stuff I group and buff you guys np, and donate clutter. Its good to see you back in open PvP.

Oh yeah Im always lookin for targets and will tag for bane when time allows. Cant get enough fights. Send Avenge a /tell anytime.