
LOL. Wow. Ganshauk. I seem to recall that name from some dead screen shot I got a medal for. Ah well. Many have commented here and of course, some of the comments have been excellent and well thought out and some have not (read that as Syev..LOL)

KGB still exists because Jet had a dream and refused to let it die, even under the weight of countless internal strifes and even more external hatred. Everyone hates KGB that is not a member because, for better or worse, KGB had ideals that could be looked on as shining examples, KGB was not afraid to stick up for those ideals, even against what would seem to be insurmountable odds and in the end, in most cases, KGB came out on top, which further fueled the hatred. Not everyone followed every rule to the letter of the law, but in most cases things worked out one way or the other. It is the petty mind of the loser who creates terms like "zerg" in order to rationalize the fact that they could not measure up to the leetness they dreamed they were in whatever game they played. It is ironic that when KGB were being rolled by the members of various other guilds shortly after our migration to Seige Perilous, no one ever said they were zerging us. LOL. And we would not have had it any other way.

In it's history, going on 10 solid years now, KGB has been represented in almost every online gaming world you can think of. And through all of that, MOST of the membership tried hard to live up to the ideals the guild was founded on and that they believed in. Like any large unit, there were differences and those that could be worked out were and those that could not resulted in fractures, but the dream and the ideal at the core remained the same.

If all the perfect people in the room will leave, then Ganshauk and everyone else who thinks as he does can stand up and be proclaimed emperor for the day. Otherwise, KGB will still exist because of the core people who have deemed it is something they want to continue to fight for and believe in, regardless of the other people of the gaming world, myself included. Can't take that Gan, then continue to work on your own thing. I doubt you will ever see KGB there, but then, you didn't really want them there with that weak ass "invite".

I have called many KGB brother and sister, have met people through its hallowed halls who have become my friends for as many years as it has existed. I think fondly of the times I shared the banner and raised it high in defense of them and the codes we chose to live by. That I eventually left over disagreements within the enforcement of that code does not diminish those friendships for me one bit. I enjoy knowing that for good or bad, I will see KGB in almost every gaming world I venture too, either beside me or across from me in some form. And the fact that they will be in a unit, spearheaded by someone I call friend will not deter me, nor anger me. It will be. Because that, Ganshauk, is what it means to be KGB.

*Raises a Beer in to old comrades and friends* Keep rocking KGB. Darkfall HAS got to come out someday.

[Linked Image from w3.the-kgb.com][Linked Image from oracle.the-kgb.com]
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