Hello Citizens and friends for the Knights of Glory and Beer,

In 2006, we marked the end of our official presence in both Shadowbane and World of Warcraft.

Shadowbane represented a new hope for KGB way back when it released. It was a game that involved politics and offered a new angle of game play for us. It was the last time that I personally lead a faction. Many High Chancellors and other KGBers in various roles would distinguish themselves in this game over the many years we played it. Ultimately I believe it was the flaws in design, and rush to release that doomed this game. We were constantly frustrated with the dreaded sb.exe errors that were a constant part of game play. When the publisher announced an end to real support of the game I think that was the final straw for many that continued to play and enjoy the game.

World of Warcraft offered a new hope for a time, but lack of content and PVP reward / consequence made the game to repetitive. PVE, camping, and the quest for loot were the games real focus. For many this is enough, but for KGB, we always require something more. After about a year, we called it quits in WOW, despite the fact that many KGBers continue to enjoy the grind, and have continued to play under the rules of the KGB General Order #2 (formerly known as the KGB 1st Commandment).

Since that time, KGBers have taken it easy. Many of us have found EVE and play daily. Others have gone off to find other interests as we all await the next big thing in MMO's.

Darkfall online has generated record interest, and the promises this world makes are exactly what KGB thrives upon. All of us look forward to a new challenge that will keep us occupied and at the same time unite us once again. I have appointed a High Chancellor for this faction and hope we can get started soon.

I also initiated a complete re-write of the KGB Constitution. I wanted to make it more simple and remove some of the outdated items that have survived over the years. With the advice and consent of the KGB Senate, and input from the KGB citizenship, this has been completed and I believe we have a document that we can be proud of and will stand the test of time.

This year also marked the passing of a long time friend and KGB brother. Toxiclore left us suddenly just a short time ago, and I know we all miss him.

2007 marks the 10th anniversary of KGB and our great experiment of creating a online gaming organization. I am proud to say that I have spent 1/4th of my life doing this and cant wait for the next 10 years. We are planning a 10th year anniversary get together in June. Watch for details.

In short, I think we are getting prepared for what I consider to be our best chance to live our former glory. Darkfall has all the pieces we long for. All they have to do is release it!

Thanks to each and everyone of you for your participation in this great organization. I look forward to seeing each of you in game in this coming year.

Serving KGB,
JetStar, KGB High King

[Linked Image from w3.the-kgb.com][Linked Image from oracle.the-kgb.com]
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