Well we got together on Saturday (Feb 25th) for a while.

Took a bit of time to get everyone together on one server (hope they work on that some more soon). It seemed like we were missing room for ONE person - so that person joined a NEW server and rest of us quit and joined that person - FINALLY we were in!

Did some Mini-PU flying around, practicing navigation, Quantum drive, landing and flight-maneuvers. Then it was on to a combat mission - and the pirates took us down a notch or two. We did work them down, but some other player showed up mid-fight and ninja-completed our mission. Grrrrr

Ah well, after Helemoto got a Black-screen of death - we opted to rejoin in Arena Commander to take on some Vanduul for flight combat drilling. We made it to wave 8, better luck next time! Elorme and myself met up in a private flight area to do some more targeting and flight/handling practice.

Overall - had a blast! Hope more people can come join us next time! Threw the photos up on imgur - because of the size (hopefully link works for everyone). If you want to see them full-screen there you can (hit F11 and click on a photo).



"Any group is weaker than a man alone unless they are perfectly trained to work together."
- Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers