@JetStar - You are most welcome. I thought the BLOG post was SPOT on, and definitely worth sharing!

Originally Posted By: Tasorin
At this point I would settle and be happy for a title that isn't shipped as a half broken, horrible balanced, micro pay piece of crap.

Indeed - so far I am VERY impressed with Star Citizen, even though it is "work in progress" and very much ALPHA. Sure, it has a ways to go.. but Squadron 42 is also using a lot of the base engine code/models, so "technically" we should have that in our hands; hopefully by the end of year (or soon thereafter). There will be episodes of that to play before Star Citizen releases anyway!

The other thing is; I have never been so CLOSE with any other game/project that I paid for (pre-release, beta, or otherwise). The developers, support people, fans, everyone is enthusiastic and supportive of the project. They release a TON of information, I almost feel sorry for folks whom have NOT be following them over time and are just now trying to find out more about Star Citizen / Squadron 42. It must be like drinking from a fire hose! Years of weekly updates/posts/information/videos/interviews!

Originally Posted By: Tasorin
I am actually really looking forward to SQ 42 release prior to the Live PU. I would expect that they will DLC SQ 42 as time goes on to continue to monetize it, but as long as its a solid Freelancer III, they can have my money and I will be happy and entertained.

Is that so much to ask anymore?

Actually, it is very much looking like the "Freelancer" that he wasn't allowed to "finish" and then some!

Speaking of Star Citizen... I am planning to put a play-time together this weekend on Sunday (1PM MST), if anyone is interested in joining in!



"Any group is weaker than a man alone unless they are perfectly trained to work together."
- Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers