VERY well stated Banshee/Vuldan, couldn't have said it better myself!

HydroMorphone joined in last night and is currently drinking deeply from the "firehose of knowledge" that we have! Hopefully he can come up for some air and let everyone know what he has seen or feels about BDO so far. I am going to encourage any returning players and new players to let our community know in a no-nonsense way what playing BDO is like. So far you have seen some of these testimonials - I hope that more will be coming along as people give BDO a shot! For the players who tried in the past - SO MUCH HAS CHANGED! You already own it; so pop back into TS and let's get you caught up with all the NEW FREE CONTENT!

As Banshee mentioned, let's stop waiting for the "ultimate" game that does EVERYTHING for EVERYONE - or clinging on the hope that the next SHINY game coming along will do all of that and MORE! That game doesn't exist! Is BDO perfect - NO, does it do everything - NO But what it does do; it does WELL. The PayToWin and Cash Shop Drama - is just that; "drama". If anything, it offers players some flexibility in how they want to acquire cash shop items. You can NOW spend in-game currency you earned to purchase that COSMETIC costume that makes you look nicer or that PET that you want to help you loot using your in-game efforts. Why is that such a TERRIBLE thing? They do charge us for the game up front in the North American market - and then offer Pearl Shop items for continued revenue - is BDO the only game that has done this? Um no - not by a longshot.

Do you HAVE to have items from the cash shop? NO, plenty of folks are still rocking the default armor look that you get in-game. The "benefits" of cosmetic armor - is pretty small in the scope of what you get for free or can buy with loyalty points in-game anyway. It just provides a means for "pretty" looking gear you can't make in-game.

Thanks for all of the comments - It really is exciting for me to help folks learn how to play and to share a game with friends. That is WHY I joined KGB to begin with after all!


"Any group is weaker than a man alone unless they are perfectly trained to work together."
- Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers