Hello all, it has been awesome playing with you all in Archeage, but the games direction and recent updates as well as future had me re think if this is a game i would truly invest in and it turns out... it is not. I love KGB, its hard to find a guild/gaming group where leadership is exactly what is expected to be. I have to say coming back to AA and being "updated" on its status, i was told how EVIL KGB was. Except my first few days back KGB members invited me into library farming groups .... kind of opposite of what you would expect under the anti christs (romeos) leadership. I totally expected an elitist asshole from the kool aid being offered to me from the server, instead I joined ya, and the experience has been so far from the propaganda being dished that it was truly a shocker. Everyone in the guild was rather helpful, Romeos stopped at a dime EVERY single time and coming back to AA was for the first time enjoyable. Real life intervened a year ago that made me leave the game, and a year later that same issue finally being resolved (positively) made me re evaluate even my gaming choices (so weird i know).

I'm definitely not saying goodbye but that I look forward to playing with KGB in other games still, just no longer AA.

As for my "possessions" in AA. I'm not greedy and feel dedicated to KGB, so I gave all my chests (full) my banks from both accounts and all my property over to Jaguar. I also removed my sub and credit card and gave my 2 accounts to Jag as well. The property was distributed to another KGB member Jag knew could use it with the understanding the property is to not be sold but remain KGB (hopefully).

Best of luck to you all and cant wait to play with you guys again!

steam: mwintersk or phattaz
LoL: Phattaz