This is why Social media is a ludites nightmare. I generally dislike free to play with cash shop montization, because the Companies who produce titles under this guise are not there to provide you with balance and playing field to E-compete, the title is just a vehicle to get into your wallet and micro transaction you until you finally say, 'Ok, no more money for you Trino/EA/CA and other major offender out there". This is also why I have banned "Pre Alpha Founders" funding for titles and absolutely will not give another title a red cent until they have a title in full release and I can measure the merits of giving them money based on a finished consumer product.

It was only a matter of time before some of the "contract" workers started talking openly about what is really going on behind the Companies closed doors for the general sheeple to start to digest and rethink there spending and trust habits. In all fairness though, this guy was talking about Facebook free games with API, but the data mining logic and develop to your whales still rings true for the freemium AAA PC Title market. I think this mindset really does extend to the trend in releasing 75% of a PC title on day 1 with the rest of the title being Day 1 or Month 1 DLC, which you would have traditionally received for your $59.99 AAA Title price.

This isn’t an article about the evils of free to play manipulation to get you to spend money. This is about how we can target you, because we (and our partners) know everything about you. We know where you live, we know your income level, we know your relationships, your favorite sports teams, your political preferences. We know when you go to work, and where you work. We can target an event to start for you when we know you have a long weekend coming up. We own you.

Time passed, Free to Play became a thing. I went from company to company. Each time, every new project became less and less about how we can do cool things, and more about how we can track and target users to get the most whales possible, boost chart position and retain users to shove as many ads on them as possible.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!