I agree on all of those but the realist. Most of those 'pet peeve' type comments about realism stem from what links the fantasy game with the fantasy novel (sci-fi too) where you must either adhere to the physical laws that govern our own universe (where a like scenario could exist in our world) or you state up front and early on that the rules we know do not exist in the same form in this fantasy place. This is a staple of fantasy writing to suspend disbelief, and I think the same can be said of fantasy games.

One good example: Arrows do not fly around corners. They shouldn't in any game. If they do, please make them something other than arrows. Don't ruin the immersion.

I'm insanely sick of 'It's a game!' as a counter-argument. The possibility for slippery slope with that argument is huge.

All the other ones are hillarious. lol Especially the first one.