"As part of this initiative, the crowdfunding counter will no longer live on the front page. There are several reasons for this, but the biggest one is Star Citizen’ isn’t just about making millions of dollars. While continued funding is necessary to build Star Citizen at the current level of AAA fidelity and no compromises, the first experience for new people should be about the game and universe, not about how much money we’ve raised. Backers do a whole lot more than just buy new ships. You are our eyes and ears; you sell the project to other gamers better than any ad campaign ever could, your design ideas expand our scope and your bug reports help us make a smoother game. Every time you dogfight in Arena Commander, you’re helping make Star Citizen better!

In the coming weeks, we intend to replace the counter on the front page with new kinds of goals. Expect to see additional types of stretch goals for number of players active, number of Vanduul extinguished, number of bugs reported and more! The crowd funding information will live on in a dedicated subpage with increased fidelity for those of you that love numbers and following our record breaking progress.

We’ll be working on those details with production and platform over the next few weeks… but I think it will create a better base for the community that will make you better feel like you’re contributing to the project in ways beyond pledging money."
