Hello everybody! The name is Englut Gray but you may call me Chris if you'd like. I live in South Eastern Michigan with the girlfriend and two of our close friends, one who actually purchased the game as well. I am the latest noob to hop on the steam sale purchasing of DFUW. I researched the game for a month or so before purchasing and when the game went on sale I knew this was the time to kick some ass... Or lose my gear and my mind.

I have been playing MMOs since I was about 12 years old (currently 25) starting with Everquest. A few examples of MMOs I've played and/or tried are: Ever quest 1, 2 & EQOA, Lineage 2, Xenimus, World of Warcraft, Aion, Warhammer, DDO, Neverwinter, Guild Wars 1 and 2 and now DFUW plus many more.

I guess this is my chance to shamelessly plug for a sponsor but I hope sometime soon someone will come to me begging to let them sponsor me! We shall see.

If you have any questions about me please feel free to ask; I am an open book.