I was just sitting here waiting on my meter to be done testing and was reminiscing about the Hunger Games I used to help run in Minecraft and how we could do it in Darkfall. Going to spitball some ideas, I'm interested in what you guys think about it and if you have any ideas to make it even better.

We make 1 central point and the number bags 1-3. We hand out these bags to naked participants. If you have a 1 you need to go stand pretty close to the center, if you have a 2 you stand a bit further out, and 3 you go even further out. A couple people run around and kill everyone once they are in position. Everyone stays put until the last person killed timer allows them to hank themselves.

A Go is given and everyone ganks themselves. Game on, only rule is you cannot go to your own stone. Bags number with 1 have better items in them and bags with 3 have worse items. Last man/woman standing wins and gets all the loot they can find.

We could record this as a potential recruitment video as well.

The idea needs some refinements but I think it could potentially be really awesome.