What about all those jobs Americans just won't do? Are engineers and academics (we have more than enough lawyers already) going to do them, or do you want the engineers to create more automated systems so that we eliminate even more jobs? So we're clear, you argued against the evils of automation in another thread.

The best solution is to enforce the laws we have, and allow for larger (much larger) numbers of guest worker visas to be issued. As someone with intimate knowledge of the migrant worker community I can tell you that many, if not most, of them do not want to immigrate here, they just want to work to take care of their families back home, whatever country that may be.

If you give the people who just want work the ability to come here legally and work, they will, and you will alleviate many of our border related problems. The cartels lose their mules, the people coming across illegally at that point are obviously up to no good and can be treated as such, fewer illegal crossings gives border agents more freedom to do their jobs of protecting the U.S. from real criminals, no more shadow workers, companies would be forced to pull from the available pool of legal workers (why is everyone not already using e-verify?), etc.

The long and short of it is, everything that has been proposed in Congress is a knee-jerk reaction to a problem that no one has done serious research on and everyone seems to just see as a new pool of prospective voters. All of their arguments are framed in such a way (much like most of yours sini) to make anyone who disagrees with them appear cold, callous, and heartless, when the real truth of the matter is that (much like with most of your arguments) that is a false choice, but the sheeple in the country don't care to listen to a real fact based argument because it takes more than a 10 second sound bite to explain the situation.

I'm afraid that our founders were right that the price of liberty is constant vigilance and we now find ourselves in an environment peopled with folks whose attention span is typically less than 30 seconds. With those kind of people voting, we will surely lose our rights in short order. For the record, I'd much rather have a hard working immigrant who truly pines for liberty and freedom in the voting booth than one of the privileged, snot-nosed brats, that we've created over the past few decades in this country.

Of course, I also want politicians to tell the truth, but we all know it will be a cold day in hell before that happens. Hell, its so rare now, that when one does, he gets labeled a kook or a conspiracy nut.

[Linked Image from i30.photobucket.com]