Saw it years ago. A large portion of people in the USA have been conditioned to accept any solution in the face of any "problem".

Doesnt matter if its economics, civil liberties, whatever. Cost/benefit analysis is not something most people are apparently capable of.

It doesnt help that people completely take for granted their rights, because they feel that social mores are what protects them and ignore fundamental protections. Well, social mores change over time. Once you give up the fundamental protections, it is inevitable that the rights you currently enjoy will be stripped at some point in time due to changing social perception.

Thus "it doesnt affect me cause I dont do X" where X is making a million dollars a year, owning a gun, caring about the privacy of a conversation, whatever - is never, and will never be a valid justification - though the majority of our society seems to think it is.

Prepare for a couple centuries of darkness, until people start escaping to new frontiers in outer space is basically what it boils down to. Europe was a statist shithole until people escaped to the New World which led the way for developing prosperity and liberty. Now we get to become old Europe, and the world will be a shithole until people manage to escape to space colonies. Rinse and repeat, unfortunately its a cycle that we as a race are likely not capable of breaking.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)