Kaotic - Taxes, probably because as a small country the temporary loss of a segment of banking industry dropped tax revenue by a good margin.

Standard of living - From what I understand, the islanders have something of a case of "keep up with the Joneses"

Job - tourist I believe is pretty organic. Not sure about the green jobs TBH.

In a nutshell they did some thing differently than I would have. But still, they manage to do pretty well without having a central govt backed by 300 million ppl telling them how to live. Nor is anyone to big to fail or too big to jail. Not perfect, but they do better than us despite having significantly less resources with which to work.


Donk, Iceland? Eve Fest?

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)