Originally Posted By: Wildcard
Originally Posted By: Derid

Makes sense that they dont want to screw it up.

Don't want to screw it up...again.

DFO was still the worst-launch-game of my gaming history, (including all the SOE titles I've played, and SB with it's initial 5-minute lag-pauses, etc.) DFO was so buggy and unrefined when it launched that I thought it was a joke (other than the $$$ I put out for it.)

That aside, my main question mirrors Morlander's: is this a head-start, or a Beta that's going to get wiped? If DFUW is even close to the grind that DFO was, then I don't even want to touch it until release. (Burn-out factor = high.)

P.S. - Tasos is a complete tool, and I can't believe any of you are defending him. Defend the game, and the general team working on it, but never, ever that incompetent, arse.

the grind is advertised to be a lot less
(i dont plan to character build in a beta)
and as foir tasos the game is his vision ...
simply put i have yet to see any other developer come up with a game that compares
fact is hes the force behind this game and if you have any
respect for the game you should realize that his place is key

Last edited by Morlander; 12/12/12 05:39 PM.