theres merit to what donk says i just know kgb and can imagine what voice ops will sound like when we live in a chaos city and people cant deal with it cuz we dont have enough around.
this round of dfo my understanding is walls actually keep fuckers out and you wont have random asshole hoping over to stir shit up but we will see.
but fact is imo the original plan for dfo laid out above by donk
is in fact the way to go it keeps you off peoples radar and out of obvious spots people will go looking for pvp aka cities.
problem there is if we have so few that its genarally only 2 or 3 on at a time then at times its gonna get rough
we need to have 10 or so actives on at most times to make the chaos city senario work in our favor so that we dont have people alone with targets on them

this is a important discussion and could affect how we go into this launch of darkfall i really think we should discuss this further
poke yer bros and get them to come share their opinion on it if they have intrest in dfuw