I would have say all factions are balanced unless you like HA. At this time there weapon is the only one that is good. Although personally after playing all three factions LA and infiltrator classes exclusively I like NC>VS>TR. I performed the best with NC but that likely is just my style of play. My favorite carbine and sidearm are NC. My favorite sniper rifle is NC with a close we one being VS's side grade bolt action. My favorite shotgun is VS because of it slightly less spread on the shot pellets but with a bit less damage(Dmg on both the nc and vs variant are so high that doesn't matter). As far as looks go Vs wins because of laser beams:) either way we should try to poll what faction to go and if its still nc I'm ok with it. It sounds like some members will be playing but it's not going to b a serious game for KGB.

Play To Crush!