Originally Posted By: sinij
I singled out one administration because of how destructive it was. Credit is, where credit is due.

Sure, lets look at last 30 years and compare fiscal record of GOP vs. Dems I know how it compares, do you?

You singled that one couse it does not fit what you belive. I know how to compare, you on the other hand rather attack and dodge, so instead of playing your little game of GOP VS Dems, instead lets play How has Sinij helped his fellow man?

Your nothing but a talking wind bag. You talk a big game how people should do this, or people should do that, but yet, I have yet to see you actully do these things that you preach others should do. Take care of your fellow man, ha, you are to infused with the desire to look down on others and think others should help people, but when asked, you back out, say it is some one elses resbonbility. When was the last time you gave a homeless person your food, the money in your pocket when they asked, gave up your seat so an old person could sit, a hitchker a lift, pulled over to help someone change a tire, jumped into the middle of a fight when you seen a man beating a women, put your ass on the line for some one that you dont even know?

Sinij, your nothing but an empty sock puppet, that has not the conviction to live the life that you try to force onto others. Your a dead beat, a parasite that thinks your opions and words actully matter, when you have never stood up for them and did them yourself. You preach how this should be or that should be but do nothing. You bitch and whine and yet lack the ability to pick yourself up and help others as you insite they should be helped by some one else.

You are lack luster in your apporach to life as you are lack luster to your apporach on these forums. Better to spew the drivel of others then to take it on yourself to fix the world you live in.