The first post in the KGB DFO forum is dated 11/29/05 04:35 PM. Many folks were real excited, and peak of DFO represents a high point in KGB power and participation like we have not seen since the days of Shadowbane and UO before it.

Frustration, problems, and challenges in the game eventually caught up with us, and for the last 8 months or so, just a skeleton crew remains in the game. With some of the last folks finally backing off for RL reasons, we are finally declaring the faction "OPEN".

DFO has represented some of our most successful times and some of our least successful. I hope that those of you that still enjoy the game will continue.

On a personal level, I will continue to maintain the BOT, and the KGB Geodin's Song island stronghold for as long as people use it. Special thanks to Ismash who has kept the dream alive over these long months.

Thanks to Critter and all the others who kept the KGB tag flying proudly in DFO for all these years.

It is time to move on. You may come and go from the KGB organization as you please as stated in KGB law regarding an OPEN faction.

Thank's to all of you that played a part in making KGB a success in DFO over the long haul.

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Star Citizen Hanger:
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