The KGB Oracle
Posted By: Zhou Multiple packages and character classification - 09/28/13 01:18 AM

This explains in great detail about extra packages, extra character slots and personal AI.
just traded up my RSI Aurora for the Digital Scout
cost 5$ gained 1,000 credits and a character slot

I can see this being tied into the barrack upgrade for the hanger
maybe the number of bunks will equal the number of extra character/npc slots that you have
Still keeping multiple accounts until they figure our the PoI system.
I'm keeping 2 one good and bad. I changed all my ships into packages tho for the benefit of the extra npc crewman. As well as the extra stretch goals for both accounts.
The 300i is probably not the best platform for a naughty account. You would probably be better served with putting a dedicated role snub fighter on it and melting down the 300i pledge package. The 325 isn't a bad snub fighter multi-role based on the current ship meta. It's not as good as the Hornet in pure snub fighting, but it does offer flexibility for being a multi-role then the Hornet which will never be a good multi-role unless they change some of the ship meta.

I have the Cutlass, Hornet and Retaliator on my naughty account and the 325 and Freelancer on my citizen account. I expect to use my 325 and Freelancer to due milk runs in the Hi-Sec UEE space running cargo and trade lanes for in game credit and then switching to my other account when I fell like putting a patch over one eye and making kids cry.
Ya i was just thinking that and changed it up to a 325A before reading this post. The 300i is not really a good snub fighter.
Don't forget the 10/10/13 Stream for the anniversary of the announcement that CR was going to make Star Citizen. CIG said on last weeks WMH that there would be a stream in the early eve CST on the 10th of this month for an hour or two with news and a couple of firsties but no sales.
If there are any additional items for sale they will be available all weekend like the caterpillar sale
hidden in the lag was a peep of how they plan to setup guilds looks like a lot of support
ok so its a bit more than a peek
Its the organization setup. They went into a great detail about it.
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