The KGB Oracle
MORLANDER...Wolfgang and Krullz...Wolfgang and Krullz!

I woke up this morning, it was like a song in my heart.

MORLANDER...Wolfgang and Krullz...Wolfgang and Krullz!

Caveat: This is one guys perspective:

I have dreamt of the kind of gaming experience that Darkfall has to offer since EQ1 and those lame, Static spawn, one dimensional pathing mobs that were camped ALL day. For a gamer geek like me, that is a LONG fricken wait.

I hated WoW for its "pvp" zerg. It was always like a bunch of kids chasing a soccer ball. (i.e. no need for group organization, team assignements, use of terrain, scouting, etc.)
Enter Darkfall and its incredible game mechanics.

MORLANDER...Wolfgang and Krullz...Wolfgang and Krullz!

Since I have joined KGB in Darkfall, I have particpated in several fun events where I watched as a bunch of kids chased the soccer ball, I love KGB and I love the hardcore guys are my favorite; second only to smiling. Smiling, really makes me happy. smile

But the last few days...WOWSER!

MORLANDER...Wolfgang and Krullz...Wolfgang and Krullz!

Thank you, THank you, THank you. You have given of yourselves and offered me a few of the best gaming experiences of my life.

Morlander brought order and discpline to the chaos and the fog of war. I sat on a hillside, defending a critical node, watching explosions of arcane light in the distance as I listened to some of our brethren defend other critical sites. When the time was right, we moved down the mountain as a team, flanked the enemy and swept the field. We immiediately returned to our post to supprt the overall effort. Then we all had our fun as we made the final push into ANdruk to plucked the juiciset fruit from the tree. One word for Mor Lander: EPIC!

Last night: Wolfgang and Krullz took the initiative to form groups, control the dungeon, discuss tactics and roles BEFORE we entered into the frey. The groups they led included anyone who wanted to lend a hand, (i.e. none of this, "play with only my close buddies bullshit") They leaned on various levels of experience and preparedness, used seperate vent channels for TRUE battle comms, and encouraged inut and contribution.
They then, led us in some of the most compelling, spontaneous, player generated pvp I have ever been part of, or heard of. It was the kind of leadership that inspires, generates respect and creates trust. They kept us alive, kept us together, offered direction and ensured our victory. Gentlemen, keep that up and this guy will follow you anywhere.

So once again, I awoke this morning humming my little lyric:

MORLANDER...Wolfgang and Krullz...Wolfgang and Krullz!

Thank you Gentlemen, Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You are an honor to KGB and I raise my Flagon! laugh

For those few who actually took the time to read this whole thing, thank you.

For those of you who insist on pvping without the willingness to follow our leadership, its your 15 dollars a month, so its your choice. Please keep in mind, everytime you choose to chase the soccer ball that our enemies throw into the game, you are following THEIR lead, not KGBs. For the undisciplined, on behalf of our enemy, thank are their greatest ally.
I read this whole post and smiled! This is a great kudos to you leaders! Keep it up!
I smiled as well, I did over hear some very good team work last night, and some superb leadership from those three, and I believe Krullz is really showing improvement in leadership qualities, ya never know maybe Krullz will be our next general some day. It just goes to show that constant pvp will harden players and force players to learn or die, and right now this is a excellent time to take advantage of getting your pvp on, Good Job fellas
It is challenging times for us. KGB is defending against an entire alliance, and they are testing our resolve. We must keep our chins up, and do our best to get through this.
Damn, only two comments...I was hoping for at least an amen. Kudos to some great leadership.
AMEN, HALLELUJAH, DFALL BE someone fix the damn patcher so I can show you how a noob really dies in pvp! =)
Agreed good times.

And even if we get rolled Krullz makes it humerous.
Originally Posted By: Dalmar
Agreed good times.

And even if we get rolled Krullz makes it humerous.

Yes for the past week I've been rollin with krullz to try and control the dungeon and although we get outnumbered or outgunned most of the time. I've never had more fun in Darkfall. I too would like to say Krullz leadership in this trying time has been amazing. I mean just discovering that god damn Quasi Quadill...hell of a time grin
© The KGB Oracle