The KGB Oracle
Posted By: Hakaryu_Lionheart noob here - 04/08/10 04:05 AM
Looking for some advise as I join DFall - also what server etc?

Posted By: Drakiis Re: noob here - 04/08/10 04:43 AM
NA servers, Andruk is the city we just retook after having it denied to us several times.
Posted By: Tasorin Re: noob here - 04/08/10 05:33 AM
Stay untagged for a bit.

Harvest resources in the stater NPC areas under the watch radius of the Zap towers. The most friendly NPC area is the Elf starter area.

Harvesting resources in the start in the safety of the zap towers will give you stat gain for HP. You want to get your stats to 50 as quickly as possible. You can use the resources for two fold stat gains. Harvest the raw material, then refine that raw material into the final mat. Then you can choose to either use or sell the Iron Ingots, Stone, and Timber. Finally, you can stack the Casting reg's in your bank for when your ready to leave the NPC area and come join us in Andruk.

Reg's = Magic Grind.

Beyond that, there is a couple of Noobie guides in the Candidate Boot Camp section. In addition to that, when your in game and in Vent, talk to Jaguar and he can probably field your 10,000 foot level questions.
Posted By: Donkleaps Re: noob here - 04/08/10 06:56 AM
holy crap!!!1


Pretty much what Tas said to the letter. The Valroth Noob guide videos are fantastic to watch and will get you to understand how DF works very quickly.

The hardest part is getting used to the interface.
Posted By: Hakaryu_Lionheart Re: noob here - 04/08/10 10:05 PM
no race we have to play or anything? no alignments?
Posted By: Donkleaps Re: noob here - 04/08/10 11:52 PM
Pick what you like. Alignment doesnt really matter in DF.
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