The KGB Oracle
Posted By: Salohcin Dragon Xfers just need the NA lobby - 11/06/09 08:42 PM
We were asked to pass this along.

After you complete the steps described here, provided you have the NA client installed, you will be able to log in the NA1 server and play.

If you are getting the message “Account not active”, you will need to log in the NA account management system found here and purchase a monthly subscription.

If you do not have the NA client installed but you do have the EU client, follow these steps to install the NA client without having to download the whole 9 gigabytes again.

1. Download the NA Lobby from this link

2. Install it on a different folder than your EU client, such as Darkfall US.

3. Go to your EU client installation folder and copy the following files from the data folder:
All the dfdata_00XX.sfad files

4. Go to your NA client installation folder and paste the files in the Data folder.

5. Log in the NA Lobby and let it patch if needed.

You should now be able to log in and play. If you encounter any issues please contact our NA support department.
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