The KGB Oracle
Originally Posted By: Shade
KGB ventrillo information for those who dont know it or forgot it.....
port: 43350
password: 4theblood

Originally Posted By: Derid
As we get more people in vent, its time to create a few simple rules. I do believe in simplicity, so the rules will be pretty minimal, however they will be enforced by the admin team.

Channel Types : There are three channel types,
1 ) Game channel - General
2 ) Game channel - Group
3 ) Non-game - random

The first and foremost rule is, do not interrupt group activities when people are in a group channel. If a group is PvPing especially, even if you need to ask something, wait until its clear. If you end up in a random conversation in a group channel, and group lead/members say "clear channel" - it is required to cease any non-group related chatter. People need to be able to focus on their activies, and group channels are not to become the public pub. However, if they want a clear channel - it is the groups responsibility to move to a group channel.

2) Game - General : These are the channels where its cool to hang out. But, Game related chat takes precedence. People end up discussing many non game related things when chilling in general channels and thats cool, to a point. If people are trying to ask about or discuss the game, be respectful and let those conversations take precedence.

Third type : general random channels, examples of which are Oldskoolz, Anodyne lounge etc. These types of channels are the ones to goto when you dont feel like being fettered by the rules. The discipline doesnt apply here, within reason. All KGB Commandments and rules always apply in every channel.

One more thing to note : Ranking officers always have reighn over the game channel they reside in, even general channels. Group leaders have command over the group channel, even if they are not officially command staff.

Vent admins and officers have the authority and responsibility to enforce these rules as best they see fit.

This mandate will be strictly enforced without fear or favor, over the entirety of the guild.
© The KGB Oracle