The KGB Oracle
Posted By: Sini Need help with skirm - 09/03/13 03:23 AM
I am not getting better at PvP on my own. I need someone to teach me so I don't die every fight in 5 seconds to naked enemies. Very basics - do this, do that, don't ever do this. This is how you escape fights, this how you chase down. I am open switching to different class, but currently 25K prow into skirm.

My goal is so I am at least somewhat useful in group fights.
Posted By: Donkleaps Re: Need help with skirm - 09/03/13 07:05 AM
The best tips I can offer are these.

1: Never use your Dash or roll to initiate a fight, you ALWAYS want these for escapes as mobility is your GREATEST ASSET.

2: Salvo and Exploding arrows are your friend. For all range classes in DF AOE's are your best friends.

3: If you are having trouble with aiming (IE: you are not landing shots with at least 75% accuracy I highly suggest playing some quakelive with railguns only. I say this because pvp in DF does not really give you the chance to get many reps in unless you are dueling/training a lot. If it is hard to get practice in the game itself then my opinion is that since quakelive is in a browser it is easy to get shooting reps in while you do your harvesting or whatnot in the actual game.

4: Learn when to shoot and when to not shoot. Make your opponent burn their cool downs and learn your distance for when to switch to your 2 hander to offer a quick burst when your enemy closes the gap.

5: CHUG CHUG CHUG and EAT EAT EAT. Anytime you are engaging or even think you are about to engage get your food buff rolling and the SPLIT SECOND you take damage get your pots rolling.

Remember, DF is a shooter so you have to have your shooter skills up to par.

Hope that helps at least a little.
Posted By: Sini Re: Need help with skirm - 09/03/13 09:51 PM
My FPS skills are up to the par, and I don't feel that is the key problem. I explode in 3 seconds but I see other people surviving much, much longer. I think key problem is that I am too easy to hit and my avoidance is too primitive.
Posted By: agony Re: Need help with skirm - 09/04/13 06:31 PM
I think letting a war hit you a few times and as soon as a war gets within range of a melee hit you should shield up then pounce away and continue kiting like that. and like was said previously keep transfers constantly and pots to no end. Duel more as well.
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