The KGB Oracle
id like to get people togather to talk about our launch strategy again i think with the games changes it could easily bring changes to how we want to start off in this game

the grind is much shorter a month or so and cities when built are going to be a shit ton harder to take with no cannons cept for boats and the fact that guard towers hit like mack trucks

the people playing beta have agreed that we want to take a hamlet without a doubt on launch
but with the games grind changing so much i am starting to think taking a city on launch building the bank and not much else would give us more binds without building and when our cragfting grind ends which in beta takes about a month
we will then be able to focus the harvester crafters on building modules
this can happen weather we own a city or not

the key here is we dont build anything but modules and we use them all at once to build a entire city
this way if we end up getting sieged by a huge zerg we only lose the city but not our modules for building
when we build it would be best to build it all at once so you instantly have walls and towers ect defences
the new game makes you build things in a certain order barracks and clan keep being the 1st thing before you can build walls towers ect so this is the best safest way to do it

bartender has shown he can do much more than just weaponsmithing and armormithing
fact is he makes a good bit of prowess once he gets rolling and id like to see him making leather and bows as well on launch.
i still think in the end it would be best if he could make everything thoughts on that?
i think honestly the real thing holding us back in speed is just more people harvesting more often.
the rare smelting has been on my mind we need these skills quickly or we run into a brick wall on crafting gains took us about 3 weeks and we r at a stand still now cuz we cannot make all the 1st level rares we dont need them all at the same time but when ingots moves up to velron we need to have leather immediately gringing on selentine to get to vel followed by wood if we can at least nail down those 3 we can make almost everything in the game but cloth armor
i realize we will need that but the other 3 are key and the cloth would follow those 3 for grinding in kgb on launch

had considered using vals account or one of the other alts to do them all and to powergrind points if needed on pve feats like critter and i did to bartender
valarias account is a guild owned account so if she stopped playing the account stays with the guild just like the other alts difference is her account is being played full time harvesting and gathers prowess points pretty well as it is
and she feels confident that she could get all 4 skills up and that there would be a couple people with access to her where the skills needed when she isnt on

this frees up everyone to do what they want with their prowess points
and to build powerful toons
if you are unsure of how to grind prowess best come launch following the advice of beta players is the best way to go
please give some feedback here i could use it
I think you covered everything.
I got the bushwhacking and cloth handled for launch. I should be able to make the r40 stuff in a few days & keep things stocked, including steedgrass.

Cloth goes from 40 right to 110, so it will be a while before anyone playing mage\primalist needs it.

I have been gigging a bunch lately & summer gigs are coming in fast ... so eventually someone can pick up my slack.
© The KGB Oracle