The KGB Oracle
PS2 news

PS2 will use PunkBuster
all of the vehicles will be available day 1

Much more in the links.
right on..Tank Commander ftw
Higgles and I have been talking about them using PunkBuster or a in house black box via emails. The fact that they decided to go with PunkBuster and announce that decision is very disappointing. Expect to see plenty of cheating in this title then because PB is a freaking joke. It took cheaters less then 48 hours to bust PB wide open on CoD3.

The only hope is that Higgles who has said several times that they are cooking up a black box to prop up PB, actually are able to dynamically detect and deal with out right cheaters.
Punk buster fucking sucks, please pass the message.

Not only it does not work, it also screws small % of legit players for unknown reasons. PB is nothing but a snake oil.
Pretty much my words to Higgles Sinij. I tried to explain to Higgles the last time PunkBuster was any good was Battlefield 1942 and even then there were some issues. His response to me was to calm down and relax and trust that they were directing some in-house resources that are developing an SoE Enterprise black box to detect and deal with cheats and hacks.

I explained to Higgles that is a whole lot of trust to put in a dev house that has had a lot of epic failures over the years and continually finds way to fuck up quality titles.
100% agree. Cheaters sucks, but they are minority of players. Anti-cheat is used by everyone. If anti-cheat screws more good players than it catches bad players, like in the case of punkbuster, you are better off not having it in a first place.
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