The KGB Oracle
Posted By: Saiba Samurai Poorest States -- Political Climate - 12/08/12 08:32 PM
First off I'm not republican. I'm not democrat.

Easy to guess what I am...

I'm am curious though. Republicans and Democrats both believe they have the answer to balance the budget. Neither side particularly cares to hear what anyone else is offering up as a solution.

Yet here are what I understand the facts to be:
- The top 10 poorest states are considered Republican states.
- The richest states are considered Democrat states.

It just seems odd to me that people have drawn the line in the sand so deeply against the other side that they fail to see that both sides are voting against themselves. Democrats who constitute the upper class that aren't excluded from the "loop holes" of higher taxes are voting for themselves to pay higher taxes while their leaders are excluded from the higher tax rate because of the "loop holes" they've created. Meanwhile, the poorer people are voting for someone who doesn't offer them any kind of support to help them because, I guess, for some reason they don't realize they are actually poor.

It simply astounds me that the majority of Americans are so blinded by their dogma that they fail to realize that the 2 parties in power are simply working together to keep Americans pitted against one another so they can continue to share power. The truth is they care little to nothing about each of us in our daily struggles and simply don't want to lose control. Look at people in politics and tell me you see someone you believe would take a bullet for you. Now look around at your family and friends and tell me you don't see someone that wouldn't. From my perspective the people who should be taking care of us are each other. Just like I care for my friends and family and I'd do anything I can to help them when they need help, I believe they'd do the same for me. This is not to say our politicians are outright evil. Because I don't believe any of them are. At the end of the day they are simply human and are looking out for the best interest of their family and friends. They just happen to be a lot better at it than us.

Anyway rant over.

Interesting read:

P.S. - This was posted via phone so I'm sure it has all kinds of typos, evil auto-corrects, etc. So if something doesn't make sense ask me to restate it because trying to proof read in this tiny box is impossible. Oh and the baby just woke up...
Posted By: Derid Re: Poorest States -- Political Climate - 12/08/12 08:59 PM
Yeah I tend to agree with this, I consider the Establishment of both parties to effectively be one party. The difference is simply in where dole out the loot when they are in power, it doesnt change the fact that they both represent Extractive Govt and work together when needed to maintain the overall system that allows them both to continue looting the country.

I also agree that they arent exactly "evil" as well, at least not the type of villain that twirls mustachios or fits sharks with friggen' laser beams. Though sometimes Harry Reid and Lindsey Graham occasionally give me some doubts....
Posted By: Daye Re: Poorest States -- Political Climate - 12/11/12 09:37 PM
Coke vs Pepsi.

Slightly different packaging, same horrible crap ( likely from similar distributors ) that goes into them.

"This is not to say our politicians are outright evil. Because I don't believe any of them are."

They're not evil, just greedy. There is only one reason to get into politics and that is money. Anyone who says they're doing it " for the people " are easily trapped in that lie when asked if they would take a fifty percent pay cut and still do it.
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