The KGB Oracle
Well, I have already cruised through pretty mastered every PS2 game that I have had the desire to play. There are absoutely 0 MMORPG's out there right now that really interest me (I am looking forward to Darkfall though) and I have a decent amount of free time late at night and on the weekends now that my girl and I split up and went out seperate ways.

Anyone out there playing any decent first person shooter games right now? I am looking to pick one up over the weekend here...

Just a littel disclaimer... Doom 3 runs like crap on my computer, I can barely even move when I play online because my graphics card isn't good enough.

Anyone playing anything that is a bit less graphics intense and still fun?

Theres some ppl playing BF2, and some playin CS Source.

Prolly some ppl playing other stuff also.
Nice, I am going to pick up BF2 today!
I play Natural Selection (HL1 mod) all the time
I just bout and am installing BF2 and the expansion pack.

Where do you guys usually play at?
Grr.... I installed BF2, I found my mic and all that good stuff, I load the game up and then I find out that my video card isn't good enough to run it.

I have a crappy Radeon 9200 SE right now... I need to go out on Monday and pick up a new card. Oh well, I will get all that squared away during the week around my work schedule and I will be up and running hopefully by Friday at the extreme latest.

Just hop in KGB Vent, or add dustrider or chez to your xfire (they have name on oracle tag) to see where were at.
dustriderx is my xfire.. some other noob has Dustrider.

I've tried to find this person so I can tell him to get a new name :-)
Derid! Very ltns.

Heya man, Hellfire and I are playing BF2 pretty regularly these days. I'll keep an eye out for you.
What server? I play of *CAF* and SFR mostly.

And good ta see ya again btw, drop me a PM w/ your reg server.
yah like derid said there's a handful of us that play bf2... derid, chez, dustrider, myself (hydr), sharezar, brutal, bishop, etc...

if ya have xfire add xhydrx

and like derid said those are the servers we play on pretty usually daily but we hop around sometimes



Added *CAF* & SFR to my fav's menu, and I'll keep an eye open for you guys.

Hell, Derfiem/McNasty and I have mostly been playing on: Ordnance Monkeys, 101st, & Dead Meat

I'll get my xfire back up and running. Xfire= RabidPlatypus
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